The new video clip for Wisteria Sleep from Nambucca Fables is out now. Filmed by Mark and his wife, Jo at Spoon Bay in Forresters Beach on the Central Coast of NSW. “Wisteria Sleep is the most personal song on the album – and likely my favourite” says Mark. “It features my usual band line up – with the addition of Australian violinist Michael Bridges adding a beautiful string part. “I love happy accidents” Mark continues “And Michael played 4 separate takes over the band track….engineer Tim Kevin and I wanted to keep the track sparse, so we were trying to pick our favourite take. But, the magic happened when we played all the violin parts at once – it sounded strangely orchestrated, especially when placed alongside the ethereal backing vocals of Jeanne Poisson” Although the song is very personal and peers inward, the video widens the scope and meaning of the lyric “There’s something not quite right here” and looks outward to the world we live in.